CBD Enterprise welcomes contributions from passionate writers, experts, and enthusiasts in the CBD industry who are eager to share their knowledge, insights, and experiences with our audience.
Why Write for CBD Enterprise?
- Share Your Expertise: Contribute your expertise, experiences, and unique perspectives within the CBD space.
- Gain Exposure: Reach a diverse audience interested in CBD, wellness, and natural health alternatives.
- Establish Authority: Build credibility as a thought leader in the CBD industry.
- Collaborative Platform: Engage in an active community fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange.
Contribution Guidelines
Topics: We accept articles, guides, how-to’s, and opinion pieces covering various aspects of CBD, including but not limited to:
- Health benefits and uses of CBD
- Industry trends, innovations, and regulations
- Personal experiences and testimonials
- Product reviews and recommendations
Content Quality
Articles should be well-researched, informative, and engaging, with a minimum of 800 words. Originality and accuracy are essential.
Please submit articles in a Word document or Google Doc. Include relevant images with proper credits, if applicable.
Author Bio
Provide a brief bio (50-100 words) including your expertise, social media links, and a headshot.
Submission Process
Send your article pitch or completed article to writeforus@cbdenterprise.co.uk. Our editorial team will review your submission and respond within [X] business days.
Editorial Review
All submissions will undergo an editorial review to ensure alignment with our content standards. We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, grammar, and adherence to our guidelines.
Note to Contributors
- By submitting an article, you acknowledge that CBD Enterprise will have the right to edit and publish the content on our platform.
- We may include a disclosure if a contribution involves any sponsored content or affiliation.
- Submissions that promote specific products or services excessively will not be accepted.
Contact Us
If you’re passionate about sharing your insights and contributing to our growing community, we look forward to hearing from you! Reach out to us at writeforus@cbdenterprise.co.uk with your ideas or submissions.