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Modern Slavery Statement 2022

CBD Enterprise is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our efforts and actions taken to address modern slavery within our operations and supply chain.

Our Commitment

We acknowledge our responsibility to uphold ethical standards and promote human rights. CBD Enterprise has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking, and we are dedicated to ensuring that such practices have no place in our business activities.

Organizational Structure

CBD Enterprise is [describe your organizational structure, e.g., a UK-based CBD blog]. Our operations primarily involve content creation, information dissemination, and partnerships within the CBD industry.

Supply Chain Practices

While our business primarily revolves around digital content creation and dissemination, we acknowledge the potential risks of modern slavery within indirect aspects of our supply chain, including:

Due Diligence

We have implemented measures to mitigate the risk of modern slavery within our supply chain:

Future Actions

CBD Enterprise is committed to continuously improving its approach to combatting modern slavery. We will:

Reporting Suspected Cases

We encourage the reporting of any suspicions or concerns related to modern slavery within our operations or supply chain. Employees, suppliers, or other stakeholders can report such cases confidentially to


CBD Enterprise is committed to fostering an environment free from modern slavery. We will continue to uphold our responsibilities, engage in due diligence, and take proactive steps to combat this abhorrent practice.


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CBD Enterprise

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